Thursday, February 10, 2011

What there is so that there would be no wrinkles?

Collagen - alpha and the omega almost of entire cosmetic industry. Specifically, it helps the skin to remain young; therefore so frequently they mention it in the advertisement of creams and sera. However, to avoid the appearance of wrinkles is possible not only with the aid of the cosmetic, but also by means of the special diet. What? Read further.

What good in the collagen?

Collagen - this is basic protein in our organism, about 30% of remaining proteins consist of it. So that entirely in vain so many they do not speak about it. In the skin this component plays the special role: larger partly the derma consists precisely of collagen. It works as the pillow, which does not make possible for the skin “to sag”. The fibers of collagen are destroyed in the course of time, but new are not manufactured, as a result of which and they appear wrinkles. Which is interesting, not all creams with the content of collagen solve problem - its molecule too great so as to penetrate in the deep layers of derma. Scientists this is why search for such means, which will force the skin to independently manufacture the so necessary element. But here are the experts L' Oreal are occupied not only by the development of miracle- creams, but also propose to fight with the wrinkles by means of the correct nourishment. 

Food against the wrinkles

The rejuvenating creams - this is wonderful, but it will in no way mix aid them from within. If you want young to look like longer as possible, you follow the nourishment. We thus, represent our most active allies in the unequal fight with the age:

  • Salmon or any other fatty fish (they they are rich in fatty acids omega -3, -6 and -9)
  • The turkey (its meat contains many proteins and carnosine - substance, which does not make possible to be destroyed for collagen)
  • Spinach, cabbage, lettuce and another verdure (in them there is lutein, which neutralizes free radicals)
  • Bilberry or other berries, rich in vitamins (it is extremely important for producing the collagen)

From what is worth forego, so this the sugar. According to the dermatologists L' Oreal, sugar force the fibers of collagen to be fastened between themselves and to become more rigid, that it does not add elasticity to the skin. 

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