Thursday, February 3, 2011

What is coenzyme Q10?

Lately there is a series of chemical agents, natural or not that is acquiring protagonism thanks to cosmetic products or of beauty, one of these is the Q10 coenzyme. The coenzymes are indispensable molecules so that many enzymatic reactions in the body are carried out. We could say that they cause that our body works of one more a more effective way.
Coenzyme Q10, in particular, helps to "make energy", because although the body can in theory get all the raw materials necessary for obtaining this energy that is not enough if the transformation mechanism is not working properly. Would "spark" that starts the process of converting food into energy. Without the coenzyme Q10 can not produce the "spark" and therefore energy.

Our body gets coenzyme Q10 through diet and processing of other coenzymes. The coenzyme Q10 content in foods is easily destroyed by modern food processing methods. And our ability to obtain coenzyme Q10 decreases during the aging process and especially in situations of ongoing stress.

  • It is essential for processing and providing energy to every living cell.
  • In allergic processes and that, coenzyme Q10, some people, it serves as a natural antihistamine.
  • Improves our vitality and directly involved in the production of energy. It also improves exercise tolerance in sedentary people. Therefore also ideal for athletes.
  • Helping in resolution of periodontal disease (bleeding gums especially abundantly)
  • Coenzyme Q10 strengthens the immune system and increasing the physiological capacity to use oxygen especially in stressful situations and that favors the role of immune system cells. This is very important also to strengthen the defenses in cancer patients.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is a good ally in the heart (angina pectoris, stroke, etc.) Since it is one of the major nutrients of cardiac tissue, promotes oxygenation and fights free radicals.
    Curiously, heart problems usually appear in middle age of life, which coincides with the physiological reduction of the synthesis of coenzyme Q10.
    Always ask your doctor for advice in such cases as many heart patients can reduce the dose of medicine.
    Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reversed the cardiac abnormalities secondary to specific drug treatments s (antidepressant drugs, chemotherapy drugs)
  • You can help reduce weight naturally. Obese people and those that do usually have very strict diets low levels of coenzyme Q10.
  • Increases longevity by slowing down the aging process. This is due to its antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.
    Its antioxidant action is similar to that of vitamin E and K as it inhibits cell destruction caused by free radicals by neutralizing them through oxygenation reactions.
  • Muscular dystrophy patients seem to have reduced levels of coenzyme Q10. Supplementation with coenzyme Q10 can improve your quality of life.
  • Other health disorders that may benefit from supplementation of coenzyme Q10 are muscle disorders, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, lupus, schizophrenia, pain, fatigue and exercise intolerance.

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