Sunday, February 6, 2011

Loose Powder: from ancient Egypt to our days

Without the loose powder makeup  it is incomplete. In ancient Egypt without it bypassed not one well-off lady, in Russia even men used it. Must-have cosmetician never will lose its urgency, especially in the loose form. The main thing - is correct to select necessary nuance and not to do harm to the skin.

From history 

Powder is the earliest cosmetic means. It is accurately unknown, when it was invented, but many scientists came to the conclusion that Egypt is country of origin. In the state occurred a strict separation into the classes on the color of the skin, and beauties even to our era of napudrivali  face for the giving to pallor, since this was considered the symbol of belonging with the aristocratic class. The whiter the skin, the greater the honors had to render such women.

In Egypt there was a powder of two forms: mineral and plant. The latter was made from the flour of wheat and rice, but it had serious deficiency - under the action of perspiration the strong irritation of the skin occurred, which was covered with this mixture. Later as the ingredients was used red and yellow ocher. This method of preparing the bleaching means, until now, is popular in many tribes of Africa and South America.

Later mode to the whiteness of face began in the European Countries. In the 17th Century cosmetic used practically all women, independent of their origin and social status. At this time mode to the powder again returned. Main rule of fashion-plates - the thicker the layer, the better. Egg white was preliminarily added during the putting on face of cosmetic means in it in order to achieve the best “white” effect. On the densely powdered cheeks were superimposed bright rouges. Makeup looked provocatively, and skin itself - artificially. The reason, for which the ladies did not stint on cosmetic means, they depended on different factors: some wanted to hide the wrinkles dependent on age, others thus hid tracks from smallpox - the widespread disease of that epoch.

In many countries mods used powder, which consisted of rice, wheat and dyes. They were covered with white powder not only face but also her hair, by obliged fashion.

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