Sunday, February 20, 2011

As to get rid of the burrs: The correct approach

The well-groomed hands with the irreproachable manicure - this is the residency card of woman. No matter by what it not was occupied, it must be always at the height. Many troubles on the way to beauty can compose the burrs, which with the incorrect removal or simply ignoring can pass from unhealthy sensations to serious disease. In the history the well-known fact of the first medical interference in a question of the removal of the torn slightly skin - Louis XV, who after unpleasant procedure ordered to develop special tools for the manicure. But how it is correct to get rid of the burrs?

Causes of Burrs 

Nail plate surrounds a thin strip of skin, which is designed to protect and strengthen the nail to a finger. She so fine and sensitive that the first response to drastic environmental change. Causes the appearance of burrs can be:

    *  The made a dull tool trimming manicure,
    *  The overdried (weathered) skin of hands (deficiency in the vitamin A),
    *  Over wetting or the action of strong solutions (alkali, acid),
    *  Seasonal avitaminoses,
    *  Small injuries,
    *  The hormonal failure of organism,
    *  A deficiency in the vitamin from the folic acid.

The discomfort, experienced with the appearance of burrs, can pass with the negligent relation into the inflammation of the prinogtevogo roller, which is called in medicine whitlow. In any event these discomfort cannot be suffered, and also it is not worthwhile to tear off or to attempt to bite off burrs. With this relation it is possible to carry pathogenic bacteria.

The greatest danger they present for the small children, who love to gnaw nails and are torn off burrs. The infection rapidly falls after this, into the bleeding wounds and is formed the abscess, which can end by the general inflammation of finger or hangnail. This illness is dangerous by the fact that the pathogenic microorganisms rapidly are extended into the depths of soft tissue and can reach both the tendon and the bone tissue.


There is a huge amount of methods of deliverance from the burrs under the household conditions, whose selection depends on habits and possibility at the given moment. It is possible to process burrs by iodine; however, this method pleases by far from all, indeed iodine causes burning. For the averting it is possible after conducting of moist manicure to rub into the skin around the nail plate the solution of the vitamin E, which is sold in the drugstores. In addition to this there will be usefully oil of the tea tree, which wonderfully removes the inflammations of any kind. During the strong inflammation and the sharp unhealthy sensations it is worthwhile to turn to the doctor. In this case the treatment is carried out by the drug preparations: by bactericidal ointments and even antibiotics.

The basic preventive maintenance of burrs is valuable nourishment, especially into the spring-autumn period, the washing of dishes in the gloves, and also the required use of creams for the hands in the process of manicure.

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