Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lotions and mask for face on the domestic prescriptions

The domestic prescriptions of skin care of face in always were considered best, indeed they are prepared only from the natural products. This article will introduce you to the most useful prescriptions. Beneficial effect on the skin of face of natural products is repeatedly proven by scientists. Under the household conditions it is completely possible to prepare the mask from the natural products, whose quality is not inferior to finished masks for face.

We propose to you prescriptions for the maintenance of face and body. These prescriptions on are so many simple, that you will be able to prepare them with the aid of the domestic instruments and the necessary natural products.

It occurs, it is in no way compulsory to buy many creams and lotions, which will handle your skin. Contemporary girl can independently prepare any cream and mask for her skin. And in this our plus. Furthermore, any natural product not only is free from the chemical artificial substances, but also contains all useful substances in the natural form.

Lotion is mint and the rose

Take the table spoon of the crushed mint, and three table spoons of pink lobes. You cook this mixture on the small fire during 30 minutes. After both will be finished, you will strain and will cool it. To rub by lotion is possible face during the day or in the morning and in the evening. You store it in the refrigerator, but in the week will have to make new. Unfortunately natural components without preservatives and chemistry are stored not for long.

Mask for the fatty and problematic skin

Take two table spoons of cherries. You will take out bones and mix pulp. Mix the obtained pulp with one table spoon of flour of potatoes (starch), mix thoroughly. After this, add one table spoon of the juice of orange. Apply this mask to the skin of face, wash off after 15 minutes. This mask not only will smooth out your skin, but also will clean it, it will reduce times.

For the fatty and problematic skin it is possible to use the water bath. If you do not have special preparation, which steams out the skin, then can make to on old ways. In the boiling water add mint, savory, parsley, Melissa. Then you will hold face above the vapor from the water (having preliminarily removed from the fire saucepan). Can be covered by towel, that the effect was more strongly. After 5-10 minutes remove towel. This bath is suitable for fatty skin, it will clean to care about the times.

So you can always find many prescriptions for the maintenance not only of face, but also body, hands, hair. The most interesting, that you so can create your own prescriptions on your kitchen. Will have to only study the properties of different products and some technologies of the domestic preparation of masks and scrub, and so lotions and creams.

Only, on what should be focused close attention, so this to your reaction to the proposed prescriptions. Each person has his individual preferences, some products or their combination they can cause irritation or allergy. Therefore after resembling to you about one method checked, which saves you from the undesirable consequences. Before apply any product to face or body, select the section of tender skin (for example, wrist) and try first product in this section. If it did not follow after 24 hours of reaction, it means your prescription to you it approaches.

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