Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Manicure Art: The art of beautiful nails

Ancestress of modern manicure were women of ancient Egypt: A few millennium before the first nail polish nails are stained with henna and other dyes juice of herbs, not just observing the beauty of your hands and nails, but also stressing the high position in society. A hundred years later, in 1917, the Americans finally came up with the first nail varnish - though the novelty has rested on the nails for one day, she was able to initiate continuing popularity of different types of nail polish. Today manicure - this is not only the procedure for nail care, but also one of the peculiar species of modern art: the so-called art manicure, nail design or art painting nails can make nails in real decoration women certainly attracts attention.

Of course, art manicure - this is not an easy process, tedious and extremely time consuming, but the reward for their time (and if you prefer to trust to care for their nails to professionals in the beauty salon - and the money) will be quite decent: Beautiful, well-groomed nails are always attracted attention, because his hands - one of the first parts of the body, which draws attention to your partner. Number of variants art manicure is limited only by your imagination (or fantasy of a wizard that will do manicure) - patterns, decorative details, colors on the nails can be very different, allowing you to create a truly unique nail design.

Art manicure at home 

Not to depend on the talent manicure and translate into reality their own ideas about beautiful nails, better learn to make art manicure at home. This will require not only special tools for manicure and remarkable patience - because the process of applying nail polish and the creation of patterns is a rather laborious and delicate task. However, training is worth it: learning the art manicure, you will be able to change and diversify the nail design as often as you want. it should be noted, however, that some particularly complex kinds of nail art is simply impossible to do at home because of the lack of professional equipment, which can be found only in beauty salons.

For the art of manicure at home need the following tools: manicure scissors, nail file, a set of brushes and narrow needles to create patterns and stencils with ready-made drawings, a set of paints to create a basic quote, nail polish and any decorations to choose from - be it sparkles , crystals, colored sand, and even dried flowers.

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