Thursday, February 24, 2011

Carrot juice in your diet: The use and care

In the sixteenth century in Europe from the carrot juice was one of miracle cures for every ailment. To date, it is called the elixir of youth through positive effects on the life of cells. Of course, it is useful to assess all the nutritionists and doctors. But they also warn about the careful use of carrot juice in the diet: an overabundance of carotene entail unpleasant consequences.

Positive effect on the body 

Useful properties of carrots were known to the ancient Greeks over two thousand years B.C. It was in Greece, initially it grows wild. In russia the slav tribes cultivated vegetable and so appreciate it later emerged that some traditions. At the burial of the dead was the custom to lay next to him carrots, as slavs believed that it was this food will need him in the afterlife.

Modern nutritionists have appreciated the role of carrots in the drafting of proper nutrition. juice of carrots contains easily assimilated minerals and other important organic compounds.  It is also a source of carbohydrates, which are presented in the form of glucose and fructose. As for vitamins, the carrot juice can be called with the prefix multi: the amount of vitamins in it than in other vegetable juices. The predominant element is the carotene, which in the human body converts to vitamin A, a positive effect on the immune system, increases visual acuity, promoting the conclusion of stones from kidney and liver, as well as cures many skin diseases. Vitamin E in carrot juice contains ten times more than the cucumber, and four times more than in beet. Carrots - organic source of magnesium, which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and vasodilation. Freshly made carrot juice idolize those using it recovered from such diseases as cancer. Doctors have proved that the trace elements contained in this vegetable are able to dissolve cancerous tumors and ulcers.

While following a strict diet the skin can become dry and cause various diseases due to lack of vitamins in the body. By eating carrot juice these unpleasant consequences are easily eliminated. He is sometimes compared with the organic water and as one of the main sources of nutrition for the cells. Proved that eating twice a week from carrot juice prolongs youth.

To date, there are plenty of carrot diets. They are not only popular but also effective. The mechanism of action is simple: due to carotene digestive system starts to work quickly and smoothly, that does not allow to linger in the body waste substances. An additional advantage is the ability to fix eyesight, skin, nails and hair. therefore, diet can be called therapeutic. Her scheme is to daily use of carrot juice and dishes based on this vegetable. You can also from time to time arrange fasting days for this product. During the three days of carrot nutrition improves digestion, and weight loss occurs at three to four kilograms. 

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