Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to make a beautiful eyebrows

The men of ancient Rome seriously considered that the thickness of eyebrows was connected with the personal genius of man. We do not argue with the history, but we dream about the well-groomed line of eyebrows, which it would be necessary to correct as thinner frequent as possible.

Mysterious sound-effects men depicted the clear people with the eyebrows invariably grown together on the bridge of the nose. Romans believed that the goddess Juno will give presents by seven by posterity, if we sacrificial shave off eyebrows. Both extremes too do not inspire. On the showings increasingly more frequently we see models with the sleek straight line of eyebrows. How to repeat it?

Customary removal it is hair by pincers is completely harmlessly. Master risks to damage hair follicle, even accurately pulling each hairspring in the direction of increase. Then independently moving away along one hairspring by pincers, you control the potential form of eyebrow.

Wax correction gives the improved result - it makes the skin ideally smooth. Shadows for the eyebrows lie flatter. Cosmetologist brings warm wax by slender trowel or by rod in the direction of increase it is hair. Further against hairsprings on several seconds force woven strip. They can pull hairsprings by special rod in wax. To before pull woven strip, it is compulsorily necessary only to stretch the skin of century. After wax in the rare cases it is not necessary to finish “area” by pincers. Then grow hairsprings will be considerably longer than after traditional correction. From the reddening after procedure the cooling gel with the aloe (me he rescues by the brought friend from Sydney gel with the aloe from the sunburns) usually frees.

The correction of eyebrows by threads is called “eastern”. This method arrived at us from India and gradually becomes everything more and more popular in the West. In the east to girl pulled out eyebrows with the aid of the thread before the wedding. My classmates, the pair of years ago moved to London, already two years ago walked only into the local Indian salons to “fibrous plucking”. The clean, slender, but durable silk thread, which seizes hairspring and rapidly pulls out, will be necessary by cosmetologist. Main difference from the epilation with the aid of the pincers in the fact that the thread one time can take is somewhat it is hair. Moreover, your skin do not concern pincers or wax strip, i.e., this procedure completely will approach to owner of sensitive skin. Thread removes even the smallest hairsprings, which so it would be complicated to take by pincers. In Moscow you will find a similar service in the Armenian or Iranian salons. After this procedure the eyebrow to the form is clearer. One of the cosmetologists convinced me in the fact that the hair four more slowly grow after epilation by the twisted thread. After plucking itself sometimes can be preserved the swelling (which falls 2-3 hours after procedure). Main plus - speed, with which the master processes hairsprings. The pair of minutes - and the form of eyebrow is ready. By threads the skin around the eyes a little is extended with the correction (master, will most likely, ask you only to stretch the skin of century in order to pass along the hairsprings).

Epilation by laser can remove hair not only on the feet and in the region of Bikini, but liquidate once and for all “mustaches” above the lip and thick uneven eyebrows. Entire technology of working by laser is the same as with the epilation, for example, shins. Yes, it can be painfully. Then after procedure hairsprings will slow down their increase. It is it's a pity, but one session will not be sufficient not in order to destroy all excess hair. The fact is that laser will process only “finished” bulbs, which already there is on the surface. “Those sleeping” will have to finish. The interval before the following session is usually month -one-and-a-half.

Increasingly more frequent natural blonds only clarify the color of hair in order to become entirely already ashy. Eyebrows on open face instantly are separated. The simplest and budgetary version - to paint eyebrows with the same paint, which in the salon was brought to the hair. But simple version leaves by the riskiest. Having attentively read carefully into the instruction on the application of a paint, you will compulsorily find the terrible note: to tincture eyebrows with this paint is forbidden. With the entry into the eyes the paint can lead to the partial or total loss of sight. Cannot find special gel- paint for the dyeing of eyebrows? You will recall about the grand mother councils and will purchase hydrogen peroxide. Sufficient to deposit on wadded disk several drops and to wipe eyebrow several times within a week. They will become only brighter after a certain time of eyebrow. By the way, in any nuance eyebrows must be, in the first place, well groomed. To give to eyebrows the final form, only to smoothen them it will help wax or gel. Me pleases transparent gel for the eyebrows from mass by the fact, who more frequently experiments with the bright nuances, will be pleased gels for the eyebrows with the nuances. They will help to give to eyebrows only noticeable colored.

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