Monday, February 21, 2011

Energy diet: Cocktails for weight loss and not only

Far from each contemporary person can allow himself the balanced nourishment, regular walks in fresh air or occupations by sport. Nevertheless, to be in the tone and itself to feel it is desirable well all - this entirely not whim, but vital need. In such cases many seek the aid of the system of functional nourishment, which obtained the reputation by the name of energy diets. These are the cocktails with the most different tastes, prepared on the basis of dry mixtures.

First of all, nourishment along the system of energy diets took for the armament fighters against our own kilograms, and therefore these cocktails in the people baptized by cocktails for weight loss. Developed on the basis of protein, they are capable of becoming not only addition to the food, but also of completely replacing it for the sufficiently prolonged period. The worshipers of energy diets assert that on the nourishing value the container of this cocktail successfully substitutes the customary plate of soup, the portion of fried potato or dumpling on the strength of the fact that contains an optimum quantity of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The present cocktails of energy diets are produced by the company NL International in France - strictly, there was invented this power-supply system. Into their composition enter simple and complex carbohydrates, milk protein and proteins of the plant origin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, extensive vitamin- mineral complex, cellulose tissue. Among the components of product also there is guarana, which stimulates the activity of heart and nervous system, suppressing a feeling of fatigue, acerola - antioxidant, which contains the large doses of vitamins and which improves the comprehensibility of iron, and also the bee uterine milk, noted for its unique biological activity and which has the wide spectrum of indications.

Not for thinness single 

Energy diets frequently use those people, before which completely does not stand the problem of the liquidation of excess weight. The fact is that these cocktails are positioned on the world market for dietary supplements, not only as the means, which burns fat. On their persuasion, energy diets, in the first place, valuably ensures the organism with the necessary nutrients - nutrients and exchange of substances is stabilized. And therefore it use not only those desiring to lose weight, but also those, who would want to get well. Of energy diets, in principle, it contributes to the collection of muscular mass.

To get rid with the aid of the magic cocktails of the asthenia, i.e., superfluous thinness, is possible, if we use them as addition to the basic caloric food ration. They, as has already been spoken above, improve the processes of metabolism in the organism and contribute to the maximum mastering of all nutrients.

The cocktails of energy diets frequently drink athletes. Problems with the weight - excess or insufficient clearly do not have they, but there is the need to restore forces after exhausting trainings.

There are several varieties of energy diets - with the taste of coffee, hen soup, tomato juice, strawberries and so on. The worshipers of this Bad frequently prefer to substitute by coffee cocktail breakfast, hen - dinner, and light energy diets with the tastes of fruits and berries are received as desserts.

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