In spring it is natural to take better care of their hair, because it is necessary to revitalize the hair a bit off because of winter cold. Go ahead, therefore, a saucy new cuts, colors and hairstyles of experiments, special masks to give shine and softness to the hair. However, sometimes the specific problems arise, even if only passengers, due to stress or an unbalanced diet, but the girls make very uncomfortable, like dandruff. The cuticles white deposit on the shoulders, not at all look good, and often the products we buy with the hope to get rid of the problem, prove ineffective.
So what? So here are some simple remedies do it yourself, based lotion very easy to prepare but very useful if you have the perseverance to repeat them over time. There are very few natural ingredients, some of them will find no problems, other in the house. We see all these remediesdandruff "grandmother".
Apple Lotion
You have to blend some apple juice with three parts water. You will use this liquid to rub her head at least three times a week before shampooing normally.
Lotion with Masturzo and nettle
These plant extracts that you will find in herbal medicine, whose efficacy is proven dandruff. In a liter of water without first boiling and then cool, you have to pay three and three pinches of Masturzo nettle, cover the pan and let rest for 24 hours. After you use this tea to rub his head at least twice a week.
Lemon Lotion
Be carried out after washing. Wash your hair with mild shampoo and, after towel, rub the skin with the juice of a lemon, slowly massaging in circular motions.
Castor oil lotion
You will find this oil in herbal medicine. Simply rub on the skin for at least three times a week, leaving a little action to remove dry cuticles.
So what? So here are some simple remedies do it yourself, based lotion very easy to prepare but very useful if you have the perseverance to repeat them over time. There are very few natural ingredients, some of them will find no problems, other in the house. We see all these remediesdandruff "grandmother".
Apple Lotion
You have to blend some apple juice with three parts water. You will use this liquid to rub her head at least three times a week before shampooing normally.
Lotion with Masturzo and nettle
These plant extracts that you will find in herbal medicine, whose efficacy is proven dandruff. In a liter of water without first boiling and then cool, you have to pay three and three pinches of Masturzo nettle, cover the pan and let rest for 24 hours. After you use this tea to rub his head at least twice a week.

Lemon Lotion
Be carried out after washing. Wash your hair with mild shampoo and, after towel, rub the skin with the juice of a lemon, slowly massaging in circular motions.
Castor oil lotion
You will find this oil in herbal medicine. Simply rub on the skin for at least three times a week, leaving a little action to remove dry cuticles.
Many womens are always suffer from dandruff problems. Different brands are convinced us for solved our problems but sometime those are effective and sometime not. People really confused with the competition between those brands. So it is possible way to solve it naturally. You are nicely explained about these natural remedies.