Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brush different matter

You look at someone's hair and admire: what is it beautiful, brilliant!

But in fact, healthy, thick hair - is not only a gift of nature, but also a regular, proper care. Therefore, the hair is very important to choose a brush, which you'll comb.

At night, our hair should not lose more than fifty hairs. But do not be alarmed if you thought that more of them. When the hair is long, it seems that there are more falls. In addition, hair loss depends on the stress and time of year. In general, if your hair is completely healthy, for one scratching my head loses about 10-15 hairs. Look at your comb and count up, "fit" if you're back to normal. If not, then first check what brushes you use and how to care for them.

Do not forget the importance of: combs, brushes, combs - it's personal hygiene, so in any case should not "share" it with someone else. Even if this is your best friend. These "tools" should be kept clean, so be sure to hold them every two to three weeks of warm baths.

Wash combs better in soapy water. In a large bowl with water, pour 1 tablespoon of any shampoo, and put all of their combs, for half an hour. The space between the teeth can be cleaned with an old toothbrush, which is not using a long time.

Some masters put their combs in the water during hand washing. During this time, fine combs are cleaned.

In recent years, have become very popular combs made of natural materials, most often wood, horn. They did not electrify the hair combing and do not let them get confused.

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