Thursday, March 24, 2011

Removal of corns

Corns - a problem known to many people, most often with her face who spends much time on their feet. Corns better deal on a regular basis, then will not have obstacles to remove them. They can be removed as in beauty salons and at home.

What are corns and how to get rid of them

Corns - a sprawl and seal the skin on the soles. Over time, skin cells die and not fall off, and pressed into a solid layer, which injure the overlying soft tissue of foot and causes pain when walking. Do corns unlike plantar warts do not have roots, so it is quite possible to remove yourself.

The cause of corns - prolonged pressure on the foot, which arise when working on your feet, especially related to weight lifting, a large body weight, flat feet, to wear tight shoes, shoes with high heels. 

In order to get rid of corns, it is necessary first of all, think about it, why they came and to the extent possible to eliminate this factor. Often this requires consultation orthopedist, because even a small flat is much increases the load on the foot. And get this kind of burden to help special orthopedic insoles for shoes.

The second way of getting rid of corns - are regular remove them, or in a beauty salon or at home.

How to remove corns in a beauty salon  

Removal of corns on your feet in a beauty salon is an apparatus for a pedicure. With special nozzles polished surface of the foot in the place of corns. Initially used coarse nozzle, which remove a thick layer of keratinized skin, and at the end of the procedure to sand the surface of the foot and compare it with the surrounding tissues using fine nozzles.

Pedicure equipment - is a dry, absolutely netravmatichnaya procedure to maintain the brake in good condition, it is enough to do once a month.

There is also a manual way to remove corns. In this case, first make a warm bath, after which the brake is applied to the skin cream, dissolving surface orgovevshie cells (keratolytic action), and only then produce fiber scraping corns with special pedicure instruments.

But neither the hardware nor the manual does not help pedicure plantar warts, so before the procedure is better to consult a doctor.

How to remove corns home  

For regular visits to a beauty salon with modern women often do not have time, so the corns to be removed at home. It can be done, of course, if it really corns, plantar warts are not, which can be removed only in the doctor's office. 

Start the procedure better with warm soapy foot bath for 30 - 40 minutes (two quarts of hot water - a tablespoon of bread soda, chips baby soap and ammonia). Some people hot foot baths are contraindicated for health, in this case can be made slightly warm or cool foot bath with salt (two tablespoons of salt to two quarts of water) and on 30 minutes.

After the bath surface of the foot, including corns, processed pumice stone or a special grater for the feet. After that, the surface may cause corns ectylotic (a special cream or corn plasters, do not forget about that the healthy tissue of the foot of his cast is not needed), stick the patch on top and leave overnight. Most ectylotic contains salicylic acid, which dissolves dead skin cells. But sometimes also uses other substances, such as a cream to remove the rough skin firm Scholl (USA), salicylic acid is used instead of urea. In the morning the patch is removed and again treated with pumice corns or float. With regular performance of such uncomplicated action corns passes.

Can not do in any case: To cut off corns with scissors or a razor, to influence it with acids and alkalis - all these actions will lead to what will start an inflammatory process that will heal very long, as the sole - is constantly travmiruemoe place. And, suddenly, you just can not do without the help of a doctor.