Sunday, April 17, 2011

Coconut oil: Natural protection, taste and beauty

Hairy nuts, baby coconut palm, jealously guards its natural treasures: to reveal the taste and flavor benefits of milk and coconut pulp, we must work hard. Coconut receive the most valuable oil that is used not only for food but also used in cosmetics, in soap making, to protect the skin from sunburn and from dermatitis. Coconut oil is used in medicine and nutrition. Its use has long been proved scientifically, and the beneficial properties at the service of man.

How to get coconut oil

Fatty oil obtained from the white endosperm coconut - copra, is prepared by hot pressing the dried pulp. Coconut oil is light, ductile and cooling, at temperatures above 28 degrees is melted, turning into a transparent liquid. People have learned to extract it from the coconut pulp many years ago, historians have failed to establish the exact date of the first experiment to obtain a valuable oil.

Oil is easy to cook in the home: revealing the fresh coconut, you need to pour the milk out of it and cut out pieces of white flesh. You can skip the pulp through a food processor, the resulting chips pour a little warm water, cool and refrigerate. Formed on the surface of the contents of the three-mm fat crust to be collected and melted in a water bath. Boil a lot do not need, or reduce its value. After straining turns coconut oil.

Properties of coconut oil

In a lot of coconut oil lauric acid has a positive effect on blood cholesterol. This acid is found in breast milk, helps to actively combat fungi, viruses and bacteria, enhances immunity. Fats, coconut oil stimulates metabolism, which leads to increased burning of calories - this property is especially valuable for athletes who want to reduce weight. In addition to this valuable acids, coconut oil contains vitamins A and C, carbohydrates and a number of other fatty acids: linoleic, caprylic, myristic, oleic.

Due to the rapid digestion in the body butter does a great burden on the liver and has beneficial effects on the stomach, because it promotes the development of healthy intestinal flora. Coconut oil helps the rapid assimilation of trace elements and minerals necessary for human health. Calcium and magnesium are involved in strengthening bones and teeth, along with coconut oil prevents the development of osteoporosis, because especially recommended for women in menopause.

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