Friday, April 1, 2011

Melissa, herbs

Melissa has a very pleasant smell and taste her brew and drink just as tasty and healthy herbal tea, take in a variety of diseases - cardiovascular, nervous disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and many others.

The botanical characteristics Melissa

Melissa drug belongs to a family
Labiatae. This perennial herb, reaching a height of one meter or more. This plant has a much branched rootstock, branched, pubescent stems, oval-ovate leaves with small teeth on the edges and located at the tips of the branches of small pinkish-purple flowers, gathered into small florets. On the corolla of flowers have red spots. The plant has a distinctive smell of lemon and mint. Fruit - small black shiny nuts. Blooms in June - August, fruits ripen in August - September. The plant not tolerate frost, they require shelter in winter.

Melissa spread in the south of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Central Asia, southern Europe. This plant is an excellent honey plants, his plantation grown in the field of breeding bees.

For medicinal purposes of collecting the tops of the stems together with leaves and flowers. They are dried under the eaves, and then packed into paper bags.

What's in a balm and how it affects the human body?

The flowers and leaves of lemon balm contain lots of vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A in the human beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A), essential oils (it is attached Melissa characteristic odor), is also bitter, tannins, organic acids ( oleanovaya, ursolic, coffee), minerals and trace elements. In fruits balm contains many fatty oils.

One of the fundamental values ​​of lemon balm is an essential oil, which has a medicinal effect for many diseases. Receive only the essential oil from fresh raw materials. As with any essential oil, it has a strong smell and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. In addition, the essential oil of Melissa has antispasmodic properties that is able to shoot an increased tone of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs, reduces cramps and any pain, increases appetite. Use this essential oil for colds and as an antipyretic agent and enhances immunity. Edema balm is used as a diuretic, and for diseases of the cardiovascular system - as lowering blood pressure and reduce the heart rate means.

With which diseases, traditional medicine recommends taking lemon balm?

Melissa prepare various drugs for oral administration and are taken with number of diseases:

o    As a tonic and sedative in various diseases of the central nervous system and
      neuroses, accompanied by irritability, insomnia, low mood, headache.

o    As lowering blood pressure, reduces heart rate, anti-and sedative - in coronary 

      heart disease, hypertension, cardioneurosis.

o    As antispasmodic and a remedy for stomach pains and bowel - for all diseases 

      of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, colitis, 

o    As a laxative - for constipation.

o    As antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-infective agent - in diseases of the liver, 

      bile ducts and gall bladder.

o    As a fortifying agent after severe infections, operations, and frequent 

      exacerbations of chronic diseases.o    As an antipyretic, antibacterial and immunostimulatory agent - at influenza and 
      other viral infections.

o    As stimulating the secretion of breast milk remedy - breast-feeding a child.

o    As a means of stimulating metabolism - for obesity.

Apply balm and externally to wash wounds festering, mouthwash in stomatitis and periodontal diseases (tissue surrounding the teeth), treatment of acne. With nervousness and sleep disorders lemon balm are added to the bath and take it at bedtime.

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