Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Treatment of Dermatitis

With some influences of the environment on human skin can appear various inflammatory processes. Previously such condition is called contact Dermatitis, today - just dermatitis. form of dermatitis depends on what kind of environmental factors affected the skin.

What is dermatitis and how it manifests itself 

Dermatitis - an inflammation that appears on those areas of the skin where she had had a direct impact of any external environmental factors. All of the possible impacts on the skin are divided into physical and chemical. physical - is the temperature stimuli (cold or heat), mechanical stimuli, electric current, the sun rays, radiation. Chemical factors - a variety of chemical substances used at work, at home, when the outer treatment of diseases, including those of plant origin.

Under the influence of factors that could cause skin irritation from any person, there is a simple dermatitis (it occurs immediately after exposure). In other cases, inflammation of the skin cause the stimuli to which the person has a heightened sensitivity of the organism, so called allergic dermatitis. For appeared to a topic dermatitis, you must re-stimulation influencing factor and time (sometimes up to several weeks) for the development of allergization (sensitization) of the organism.

Downstream dermatitis may be acute, subacute and chronic. In acute and subacute dermatitis an inflammatory process develops as follows: First comes redness and swelling, then the surface area of bubbles with transparent content, which will eventually dry out to form scabs. When the inflammatory process is skin ulceration and death of its surface layers with the subsequent formation of scar tissue.

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