Sunday, November 20, 2011

Skin Care Neck: Compromise with age

Saying that there is nothing that gives a woman's age, her neck, continues to deliver the anxiety around the fairer sex. If in the twentieth century beauty is not always paid due attention to it, concentrating their efforts on care for face, then later on they become more competent in such matters. Perhaps, thanks for this mod to say the deep alluring neckline - it unsightly neck could spoil the good impression of what lies below.

In order for muscles anywhere in the body was in good shape, they need regular load. If, for example, talk about hands, they always do some physical work, and problems maintaining the tone they have. A major neck muscle receives the necessary load only in cases where a person takes a so-called royal posture. In everyday life, it happens very often, because the neck is too early becomes flabby and groomed appearance.

Dry and sensitive

Many women use skin care products are the same neck lotions, tonics, creams and masks, with which they are used to clean up your face. But the structure of the facial skin and neck skin is often quite dissimilar. In the first case, it is divided into four types, including oily, normal, dry, combination, then applied to the neck is almost always the only dry and sensitive.

Bold and rich variety of oils, creams, in care of the neck is not recommended. The skin on her too thin and almost devoid of sebaceous glands. It requires a delicate means of water-based, providing additional moisture.

Maintaining the tone

The habit of keeping your back straight neck reliably insure against the formation of excessive wrinkles and folds. Enough to control the position of the chin - it should not "hang loose" and fall on his chest. It is useful to do special exercises for the neck, including a set of daily morning exercises. These include tilting the head back and forth from a standing position, the rotation of the head in different directions in the back straight and shoulders lowered the maximum.

Youth and beauty neck largely depend on the correct choice of pillows for sleeping. Preference is given to small and harsh instances. Too high a pillow provokes bending the neck and the premature formation of wrinkles in it.

Moisturize skin and Nutrition neck

Wipe the neck by the same moisturizing lotions and tonics that are used in the care of a person who is not forbidden. The ideal would be those which contain extracts of chamomile, calendula, aloe vera, roses and other medicinal plants, providing a soft and gentle effect on skin tissue.

For the preparation of efficient nourishing masks, anti-aging skin of the neck, at home, you can use cosmetic clay, honey, sour cream, olive oil, pulp, bananas, oranges, egg whites, saturated solutions of black and green tea.


Beneficial effects on the skin of the neck and hand massage. To conduct need not possess special skills, all the movements are very simple. Neck massage can be performed in parallel with applying the cream, lightly tapping the surface back sides of fingers.

Massage with a damp towel, twisted several times, also produced by the method of pats. It improves blood circulation. With the same purpose useful to wipe your face and neck cosmetic pieces of ice.

The benefits of paraffin

From ancient times, wax is one of the most effective anti-aging tools. True, to prevent contact with skin should not commercial paraffin used to produce candles and refined beauty - it is usually sold in pharmacies. It is heated in a water bath until, until it becomes a liquid state, and then with a soft brush is applied to the skin of the neck. Thickness of the layer of paraffin on the skin can reach two inches. Mass within a few minutes to cool and harden, and it is recommended to remove about half an hour, using a spatula.

1 comment:

  1. Some useful remedies are here for ladies. I think at that woman should care about her health first for get better skin results.
