Saturday, October 20, 2012

Treatment of Acne and Comedones (Blackheads) at home - Ten Simple Recipes

Most of the home remedies to treat acne red and black on the structure resemble a mask to cleanse the skin. These masks will not require high material costs, a lot of time cooking and finding the necessary ingredients. All that you may need, you can easily find in your kitchen or at the nearest store.
Acne - a rather unpleasant phenomenon, familiar to both men and women. Public inquiries and the results of statistical studies have shown that every year people spend huge amounts of money trying to find ways of getting rid of unaesthetic and painful rash on her face. However, before you lay out a tidy sum for the next "miracle" means, it is easier to turn to a simple and quite effective homemade recipes that do not have side effects and contribute to the goals of treatment in addition to diet, mitigate and improve the appearance of the skin in general.


        Adequate hydration - a basic condition of a clean and beautiful skin. 
        Water - a great detoxifying and purifying agent, but in spite of this, many of us prefer carbonated beverages with caffeine. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day, and you have some time you will notice an improvement of complexion and skin condition in general. 

        Make a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and rose water. Apply to the affected acne skin with a cotton swab. Leave the mixture on your face for an hour, then rinse with lukewarm water.

        Boil water in a kettle and pour the boiling water in a bowl. Bent low over the steam, after covering your head with a towel. Try to keep the steam is not coming out. Hold your face over the steam for ten to fifteen minutes, then take a break and repeat. Contaminated steam opens the pores. After this procedure, avoid skin contact with cold water. After some time, a good dry skin with a towel. Steam baths are well cleaned pores, allowing the skin to breathe, after a while you'll definitely notice the changes, acne will be much less or they disappear altogether.

        To prevent inflammation and swelling, apply a small amount of toothpaste directly to the pimple. In the morning you will notice significant improvement. 

        If you normally think of the smell of garlic, try this remedy. Mash a few cloves of garlic and apply slurry to the face. Garlic has antibacterial and astringent properties. Garlic cleanses the pores of accumulated impurities and allows the skin to breathe. Garlic is also very good for the prevention of acne. 

        Several times a day, wet the affected area with rose water. This tool not only reduces the appearance of acne and blackheads, but also helps to cleanse the skin, giving it a fresh groomed appearance. Rose water can also be mixed with sandalwood powder, apply as a normal mask.

        Excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands - the main cause of acne and blackheads. Daily wipe areas with acne lemon juice, over time, the black dots disappear.
        Make a paste of orange peel and a little water. Apply for a few minutes on the skin, then rinse with water.
        Aloe vera has known medicinal properties, which works equally well in the home and at the external use. Cleanses and moisturizes the skin with products containing aloe extract. Within a month, you will notice a tangible result. 

        If you have an abundant acne, inflammation and swelling, get wrapped in a thin towel or handkerchief ice cube and light pat wipe swollen skin. Do not press too hard. Repeat this procedure at bedtime and in the morning, swelling significantly reduced.
The above home remedies - this is not a panacea and there are many other ways to get rid of acne, but do not forget that sometimes the simple and affordable tools can have a much greater effect than the complex chemical formulas. 


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