Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tress: False curls

What is the tress, certainly well aware of girls who did a fine wedding hair salons. In fact, the tress - hairpieces it in a nutshell: they stick to the "native" hair to create more volume and texture of the composition. A variety of colors and structure tress can find a suitable option for even those women who have not been able to spawn boasts a lush head of hair.

Tress will vary, but in most cases they represent a strand of natural or artificial hair, which is attached to the head with special pins. They are carefully placed on the head between the strands of "native" hair. Normally, the length of tress from ten to seventy-five centimeters. In English language tress means "tress". However, the British often use this term to refer to women's braids, or just flowing hair.

In order to increase hair with tress, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon - it is quite possible to do at home.

Types of tress

Tress are occipital and temporal lobe for attachment to the relevant parts of the head. They are, in principle, can be used individually, but to create meaningful and beautiful hair styles to get a better kit, which includes both those, and others. With the help of tress and easy to transform a short haircut, but in this case will not fix them between the strands, but directly on the hair.

Professionals distinguish these types of tress, like Slavic cut, European cut and the hair on the capsule. If we are talking about the Slavic-section, it is assumed that the collection of raw materials was carried out mainly in Russia and Ukraine. In the international market, they are regarded as the best quality product. When processing natural hair Slavic cut no need to use harsh chemicals. In the tress are used unpainted, allowing their color, brighten or Streaked discretion.

Tress, made of hair cut in Europe, are more rigid, they require more care than the counterparts of the Slavic hair. But this feature is compensated by good wear and durability: tress of European hair successfully withstand staining and perm and are suitable for any type of building.

Hair extension with Italian technology instead of traditional tress are often used in hair capsule. Keratin capsule and thus serves as a fixture: it reliably connects false hair with her family, without damaging them, and is easily removed with a special liquid.

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