Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beauty secrets from around the world: Everyone - its

When it comes to beauty, people's secrets for skin care and hair always seem to be effective. Japanese women are known to the world as owners of long, shiny hair, and a resident of Greece, famous for its perfect olive skin. However, in order to acquire a beautiful skin or hair, not necessarily to be born in another country - beauty secrets from around the world can be just as effective to use at home.


One of the main secrets of the beauty of women living in Australia - the healing extract of yarrow, with which you can prevent stretch marks on the skin. Moreover, a yarrow extract possesses anti-inflammatory properties, soothing working on the skin.


The secret to beautiful skin beauty inhabitants of Chile - a powerful antioxidant, red grapes, from which you can make a lot of nourishing masks for the face. Recipe nourishing mask is very simple - just mix the pulp handfuls of grapes and two tablespoons of white flour, causing the resulting paste on the skin for ten minutes. Even a tired and dull skin thanks to the effective action of the juice of red grapes instantly becomes fresh and radiant health.

Dominican Republic

Resident of the Dominican Republic - happy holders of a strong and beautiful nails. The secret to healthy nails - the usual garlic, Firming working on the nail plate. Healing properties of garlic, a native of the Dominican Republic enjoy a very peculiar way - by adding pureed garlic into a bottle of nail polish. Although the odor of the resulting mixture - very sharp and nasty, he quickly disappears, and antibacterial properties of garlic and strengthen long nails provide health and strength.


Everyone knows that one of the main secrets of the beauty of Egyptian Queen Cleopatra milk baths were - not only soften the skin, but also effectively removes dead skin chastnitsy. In order to prepare the milk bath at home, takes very little - only two cups of milk powder to a bath of hot water. Milk bath makes the skin soft, smooth and silky.


In regard to skin care is extremely scrupulous French - they are all the forces trying to prevent skin problems, rather than later to address them. Practically, this means weekly trips to the spa, a regular massage and observe the ritual make-up remover before going to bed. However, not all French women can afford the weekly visits to the spa and stay at home masks for the skin. Traditional French recipe for facial masks is simple: mix the pulp a few cherries and a pomegranate and put the resulting paste on the skin for six minutes. Such a mask at the same time and smooths the skin and makes the color brighter. Remove mixture from the face of the best warm towel to stimulate circulation.


Inhabitant of Greece - happy holders of the skin of the Mediterranean type, light, but at the same time different enough melanin, the pigment serves a natural protective barrier against harmful UV rays. However, melanin - is not the only secret to beautiful skin of Greek women: their diet includes plenty of fish containing omega-3 and omega-6, as well as fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, health and beauty skin provides olive oil, medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

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